Employee Resources | Fairfax County Public Schools
Service - VPN Access Request VPN Access Request Purpose This access request form must be signed off by your department head and sent back to the Information Technology Department via interoffice mail, scanned copy, or delivered directly. The request will be reviewed and approved by the Information Technology Security staff. Requests not signed/approved by a department VPN Access Request Form Instructions | The City College of VPN Access Request Form Instructions. When applying for VPN Access, provide all requested information. Answering questions fully will facilitate subsequent communications and help avoid delays. Access Login to the CCNY VPN Access Request Form (Login Required). VPN Request Form - Texas Wesleyan University
IT Forms - OUHSC Information Technology Department
VPN Remote Access Request Form Dept. Health and Social Services Division of FMS Security Office 123‐45‐6789 1234‐5678‐1234‐5678 Version 2014‐03 page 2 of 2 REMOTE ACCESS AGREEMENT Ethical Standard: I acknowledge that reasonable use and common sense must prevail in the workplace use of Office Technologies and that I must Off-Campus Access | Office of Information Technology A Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows a computer to create a private connection over the internet to the UVU network. Using VPN technology, you can connect to the UVU network from anywhere and securely access UVU resources as if you were physically located on campus. Login - CAS – Central Authentication Service
The first email will request that you sign the City’s Telecommute Policy. Click the "Review and Sign" button in the email to initiate the signing process. Next, follow the instructions to sign the policy document and complete the detail justification form. The second email will request that you sign the City’s VPN request form. Click the
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) enables remote users to communicate securely and confidentially over a public network (i.e. internet) to protected resources within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and its Wide-Area-Network (MAGNET). VPN Remote Access Request Form Dept. Health and Social Services Division of FMS Security Office 123‐45‐6789 1234‐5678‐1234‐5678 Version 2014‐03 page 2 of 2 REMOTE ACCESS AGREEMENT Ethical Standard: I acknowledge that reasonable use and common sense must prevail in the workplace use of Office Technologies and that I must ADA Accommodation Request Form. For assistance with obtaining accommodation in the workplace under the ADA, please complete the ADA Accommodation Request form. There are two parts to the form: Part I is completed by the employee (or applicant) and Part II is completed by your treating physician. Authorized users will be held responsible for any damage that occurs to resources on the APSU network if attacks occur from the computer they are using to access the APSU network with VPN. By submitting your VPN request form, you certify that you have read, understood, and agree to the terms as described. This access request form must be signed off by your department head and sent back to the Information Technology Department via interoffice mail, scanned copy, or delivered directly. The request will be reviewed and approved by the Information Technology Security staff. VPN Request Form Network Management . Title: VPN Request Form.xls Author: tpgkcc Created Date: 9/1/2006 11:05:48 AM