Restart the SQL server service. Now you can open up a command prompt and type in sqlcmd to connect to the default instance or sqlcmd –S.\instancename Type in this code. Replace domain with the name
Workstation Logon Restrictions for AD Users (Log On To May 17, 2019 Error message in IIS: "530 User <Username> cannot log in To give the username the "Log On Locally" permission, follow these steps: Windows NT 4.0 servers. In the Administrative Tools group, click User Manager for Domains. Note If the username is not a member of the default domain opened by User Manager, click the User menu, and then click Domain to … Unable to Log In Using Active Directory Domain Authentication For all vCenter Single Sign-On deployments, you can change the default identity source. After that change, users can log in to the default identity source with username and password only. To configure your Integrated Windows Authentication identity source with a child domain within your Active Directory forest, see VMware Knowledge Base article 2070433.
[SOLVED] Domain users cannot login domain - Windows Forum
Cannot login on other user login screen on windows10
Regaining access to SQL server after changing the domain
One user cannot login to the domain, it says "the user profile cannot be loaded". I looked at the properties of the user and I saw that it was a Domain User (which is what its supposed to be). So Fix We can't sign you with this credential because your Sep 04, 2019 Cannot login on other user login screen on windows10 Oct 21, 2017